Tuesday 29 March 2011


I do not know exactly how or when my illness started.

I remember having strange thoughts about food, restricting my diet and inducing vomiting in years 8 and 9. But these phases passed quickly. I think it was year 10 when things got out of hand. And my focus was ceented in my mind on New Years Eve 2009 when i began a diary; I wrote

"New Years Resolution: Loose Weight"

As for the how, I can's say. My therapists and parents seem to think it was because I once recieved a Bebo (social networking site) quiz from a fried saying that I "had bad legs". She is a good friend of mine and she didnt mean to be cruel. It stuck in my mind. Thing is I have exeama (sp?) on my legs so this ay have been what she meant, but I have always been fixated on the size of my legs.

I have read numerous articles and thories of causes: biological, cognitive, social approaches.
I dont know if I will ever know the cause though, and I beloeve it is very different for every sufferer.

Sophie x

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