Tuesday 7 June 2011

Nutritional Information On Packets

Something that has always annoyed, stressed an worried me to a certain extent, is the nutritional information on packets not being accurate. It has began to annoy me now more than it ever has done before, i dont really know why this has increased.

I think it is fair for me to doubt these statistics. The other day, my mum put 2 supposedly identical pizzas in the oven, but 1 had SO much more cheese on than the other, so the statistics could not be correct for both of them. I wonder if they go for the upper or lower estimate, probably the lower to make the statistics look more healthy.

I have found that the only way to deal with this added anxiety on food, is to be 'safe' and take a little bit off everything i eat, therefore, it can only be equal to or a little under the statistics it gives. However, i know this is hindering my recovery, it should be good if i eat a bit more than it says on the packet, i will get well quicker. But my mind is only in a rational state probably less than half the time. And when it comes to eating, it never is! I must try and stop doing this though, it i not normal and that is what i am aiming for - normality.

Sophie x

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