Friday 17 June 2011

A New and Stupid Theory

A new theory... My dads theory. It has no scientific evidence what so ever, it is a mere thought probably due to prejudice against diet drinks. Frankly, Its ridiculous, but he believes it. 

Yesterday, i dont know how or why but my my dad looked in my bag, which is annoying enough, but then (and i am in bed at this point trying to get to sleep) he starts shouting at me saying about 'why have i a got diet drink in my bag' 'your not in the diet bracket' 'full of chemicals but no calories' and blah. Thing is, i KNOW diet coke is full of chemicals and bad for you etc. so is alcohol and smoking, yet people do it because they like it, and they know that you can get away with doing some things which are not good for you. My dad drinks loads of alcohol practically every night which is probably worse for you then drinking diet drinks from time to time. And as for the no calories thing, as long as it is in addition to my meal plan, whats the problem?

Anyway, my dad's theory. What he said yesterday was that it was the chemicals in those drinks which had screwed up my brain and made me want/think i needed to diet. So there you go.. according to him its artificial sweeteners that cause anorexia!

Sophie x

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