Monday 20 June 2011

Eating Out

Yesterday was very hard. It was fathers day so we went out for lunch at a pub. It was a Weatherspoons which has its nutritional information on the website. The night before my mum and me looked at the possible things i could have, as i know i would feel alot better if there was a plan. The planning was cut a bit short because i had a friend coming over, but i had decided on a meal that was the right the calories my mum wanted. But pretty much just before we were about to leave she said i think your going to have a bit more than you planned yesterday.

I was very annoyed at this. The whole reason that i had planned is because the time we had eaten out before i get anxious and start crying, then people tell me i have ruined the day. I really didnt want that to happen. But on hearing this i burst into tears.

I eventually did decide on something i could have at the place. I felt a bit better because i knew that my mum and sister had chosen a much higher option. This sounds and i feel incredibly mean for saying that, but it just does make it easier somehow.

One of the biggest hurdles is the fact that i am not allowed a diet drink or water. I am forced to have a calorie one which i really do not want. It is especially hard when my sister gets a calorie free one.

It turned out ok in the end. I had a nice time and didnt feel guilty after the meal. But before hand was just horrible and i got so upset. When my plans get shattered i just freak out. Hopefully this will improve.

Sophie x

Typography inspiration

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