Sunday 1 May 2011

Reverse Thinspo

I find this so weird. And i only found out it existed about 2 months ago. The other pictures on the sites i found were too mean to put up. I think its so horrible showing fat people unhappy and teased in order to be encourage people to be anorexic. 

It just seems so cruel. The other pictures are of fat people unable to do up their trousers, wearing skimpy underwear, holding their bellies etc. Its completely exaggerated.

Its ridiculous actually! For example, the picture below, obviously none of those girls are anorexic, they are just normal. So if the'fat' girl looked like them, she wouldnt be super skinny. And anyone who is just a bit overweight or normal weight wont be as fat as some of the pictures. Basically, i think reverse thinspo might work on the people who look like the 'fat' people. But the alot of people start at normal or even slightly under wieght before they develop an eating disorder. Long story short, its just stupid and mean... And it makes me angry!

Sophie x

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