Wednesday 11 May 2011

Behavioural Explanations

The next psychological approach: The Behavioural Approach.

Media promotes the message that 'thin is beautiful'. From advertising in teenage magazines to TV. Therefore, people frequently turn to diets. Many, as i did, originally decide on just going on a diet, but it went too far.

Classical And Operant Conditioning
Classical conditioning suggests that slimming becomes a habit, through stimulus response mechanisms. So a person goes on a diet, and when they get slimmer, receives complements and admiration from others and creates an association between getting slimmer and feeling good about themselves. Operant conditioning comes when a person's dieting behaviour is further reinforced by these complements and the admiration. Refusing to eat may also be reinforced by attention received from parents and friends. Or starving can be an effective way to punish parents. [these last 2 ideas are not very nice, i dont like them and hope they arnt true]

Cross cultural studies seem to support the behavioural explanations. Eating disorders are more common in industrialised societies (Europe, USA, Canada etc.), in these places there is an abundance of food, yet being attractive is associated with being thin. A 1994 study showed that immigrants to these countries developed eating disorders more than those in their original country.

I think this is plausible, cross cultural studies do back the theory up. However, i didnt really receive any positive reinforcement (all my friends told me to stop because i was already slim apparently, this was probably true but i interpreted it ad them not wanting me to get skinny and attractive.. im such a douche!) and i wouldnt like to think it was for the attention or to punish.

Sophie x

Choice images

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