Saturday 14 May 2011

The Supermarket

I find it quite interesting how some people with eating disorders hate food shopping and others love it. On supersize vs. superskinny, the 3 people that the show feature each with a different eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia and anorexia with a binge purge sub type) all three of them hated going to the super market and got quite stressed and worked up about choosing the right things etc. and would rather not go.

I am one of the ones who love food shopping. We usually get the same things at every shop so i suppose there isnt much desision making, but when a new product comes out i get excited and want to look at it and sometimes try it. My mum suggested that i might not actually enjoy it and just feel like i have to be there so the right things get bought and not the fat versions of everything. This might be true, i dont know. But i like to look at all the food and see what is in everyone elses trollies. I suppose i am still obsessed by food!

Sophie x

Inspiration Quotes Graohics

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