Saturday 7 May 2011

The Biochemical Theory

This theory is within the biological approach. It says that eating disorders could be caused by chemical imbalance. 

Research has been based on the hypothalamus which is part of the brain. When this part of the brain is damaged, animals has stopped eating and even starved themselves to death (i dont like the sound of this research, sound un ethical to me). According to a study in 1983, 2 parts of the hypothalamus work together as a kind of weight control. Depending on which one is activated, hunger or no hunger will be felt. Which one is activated depends on if weight falls or rises above a set point. If this malfunctioned, it may cause eating disorders, however there is no significant enough evidence to support this theory.

Other research has found that low levels of serotonin could be associated with binge eating.

Im not sure about these theories. They seem so scientific and reductionist. I really feel that eating disorders are more caused by behavioural or cognitive theories, not our genetic make up or hormones. I dont see it as a physical, inside issue, i feel it is more responding to stimuli outside our own bodies. But although no strong evidence ha been found, we cannot deny science which has been proved, maybe further research will prove or disprove these theories.

Sophie x

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