At the beginning of my disoder, my dad repeatedly tried to get me to drink them, but i found them the most repulsive things, not because of their taste (although that does get a bit of getting used to) but because they are high in calories and they are liquid calories.
I am still a bit funny about liquid calories. I would NEVER drink non-diet soft drinks for example and i dont really like drinking juice either. But these are a bit different. They arent a waste of calories because they give you so much! As a vegeterian who doesnt like eating cheese or nuts, i find it a little diffiicult to get protein, these drinks contain loads of it. They also contain loads of vitamins and minerals, and 100% of the RDA of most of them.
1 can is a bit much. I suggest drinking half a can a day. They are quite sickly and filling so drinking a whole can in one go might be difficult both physically and mentally.
The reason why i suggest drinking it, is that a big fear of mine is not being able to stop once i am an acceptable weight and getting fat. I know this is a fear for many people with eating disorders, yet they know they do need to get better. I dont hate drinking these, but i dont particuarly like it and i wouldnt ever miss it. Therefore, i can be sure that i can cut this out of my diet as soon as i need to and be able to maintain a suitable weight.
I know quite a few people who use 'build up' and my nutritionist mentioned this to be. But i like how the nourishment is already all weighed up and i can just measure out half the can and know exactly whats in it. Not to mention the fact that its more conventient and less hastle!
They come in 6 flavours. I personally recommend vanilla and chocolate, but there is also strawberry, banana, raspberry and cherry. I havnt tried the last three because i hate bananas and they dont sell the other 2 in any shops near me :(
Here is the website for them which has all the nutritional info, ordering facility and more stuff like peoples stories.
Sophie x

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