Tuesday 10 May 2011

Some Good, Bad and Somewhere Inbetween News

Some good news and some bad news, and some which im not sure how to classify!

1. I have put on weight (good/bad, mostly good i think)

2. It has gone to my legs. My legs' circumference is 3mm larger now (bad) why cant it just go to my arms or tummy or bum? I used to have a good bum, now i dont really even have 1 at all. I know it sounds a bit silly, getting wound up about 3mm, but my i hate my legs so much, they still seem big to me so i definately dont want more weight on them. Everyone tells me theyre super skinny, but i can honestly say, i dont see them like that at all, they look giant to me.

3. My dad has gone a 4 day course which means 1 member of the food police is out of the house (good/bad) good because there is less pressure on me and i dont have to listen to his lectures about how im ugly and have ruined myself. Bad beacuse there is less pressure on me and i might not eat as much as i should. I suppose its up to me to not let that happen.

4. My hair has started to grow back. (good) There is new hair gtowth on the top of my head! It looks like i havefrizz but i dont really care, im just happy its growing back because i used to have really thick hair and right now its really thin.

I think ill end it on that good point. I like the inspirational quote i found today, its nice :)

Sophie x

Inspiring quotes Image

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