Tuesday 24 May 2011


I'm advised to take vitamin supplements. heres what i take:

1. Kelp. Good for weight management  (although not exactly sure what this means!). My dad actually made me take these after japan's earthquake to deter the radiation, and i just kept taking them.

2. Zinc. Good for immune system and hair. My hair does seem to be getting thinker, i have some weird clumps of hair growin, it looks a bit wierd but to be honest im just pleased to see growth! This may just be from eating more though.

3. Multi-vitamin and Iron. General well being and i think as iron is good for the blood, it might help my periods come back.

This is in addition to the nourishment i drink everyday which i described the benefits of in the last post.

My mum wants me to take these omega 3 tablets too. She keeps putting them out for me, but i put them back in the pot. The reason i do this is because they are oil based. And oil = fat. I really shouldnt care about that kind of thing anymore. I think thats the only reason she wants me to take them, but i should be fine with it... why arnt i?! its normal to take these tablets, loads of people do it! It might be because i once took 2 evening primrose oil tablets and my dad said 'wouldnt it be funny if you got fat'. So i suppose i associate oil tablets with fat now... i dont know! Its so irritating not being able to understand yourself!

Sophie x

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