Monday 16 May 2011


Today was my first appointment with the nutritionist. I have been in treatment for over 7 months now i only just had my first appointment... Not good :S I found it quite nice, the lady was very kind and understanding, she came out with some really good analogies too to support her claims, like petrol in a car and things like that.

I think it was helpful, but it would have been a MILLION times more helpful if i had had it in the first week of treatment. I now have to have regular appointments with her, so now i have key worker, head worker and nutritionist appointments and im supposed to be doing my A levels...

I feel like i have been a bit too harsh on the treatment system i have been on. I just think it is poorly organised. The services they offer are excellent, this nutritionist really knew what she was talking about and they have parents groups and all kinds of therapy including art therapy. I just wish i could have had these services at the beginning when they would have been more useful and effective. 

Sophie x

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