Friday 29 July 2011

Repercussions of a Really Bad Day

Ok, sorry for the inconsistency i will get back into the swing of things soon.

The other day, i went on a family trip, i couldnt have my milk but i brought my nourishment with me. 

I wounldnt eat anything new. They wanted me to have a KFC Krushem, i dont eat KFC ever and certainly not a creamy drink. They wanted me to have a cake that i was offered but i didnt, i didnt know the calorie content. They wanted me to have chips at 11:30, thats way to late to eat anything... Those were my excuses. 

The next day at the clinic, i had lost alot of weight and my mum was gutted but said she knew it would be the case. We both cried. When we got outside i said I loved her, she didnt say it back.

Also, the next morning, i ot a text from my dad: "Hi S, dissapointed in your attitude to food we are not your enemy You should be grateful to mum for caring and taking u to appts. eat well today eggs/protein, get strong love Dad x". Now that completely shocked me. I couldnt believe he had sent it. I had driven him to resort to texting what he wanted to say to me.

As you can tell, that day caused alot of pain and emotions for both me and my parents. I know that day alone has made them love me a little less, because i ruined that day witch was supposed to be a fun family outing.

Sophie x

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