Wednesday 20 July 2011

Chantelle Houghton

Above is a link that my mum directed me to. It is about Big Brother contestant Chantelle Houghton. Shes 27 and she says ‘The doctor told me that I’d never be able to conceive naturally,’ . 

She says it was due to her her extreme dieting, crash dieting and battle with bulimia. She says that she blames herself and  "can never forgive myself."

Luckily she may be able to become pregnant with IVF, but there is no certainty.

She warns ‘Being stick-thin – is it worth that?’ 

This is a stripped down version of the article, its not long to start with so will only take a few minutes to read. 

Its so easy to forget that having a family is more important than control over my eating. But i will try to keep remembering it and hopefully Chantelle Houghton will remind me.

Sophie x

Chantelle Houghton

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