Thursday 21 July 2011

Occupational Therapy

I am now going to more appointments. Its these occupational therapy appointments. I have been to one already and i have my second one today. I dont really know what they are about, the first session was just like an introductory one i think. If not it was just like any other counselling session ive ever been to.. just me talking and spilling all my secrets and inner feelings basically!

I was given 3 form/questionnaire things to fill out too, so the lady will have a pretty clear idea about who i am and what i struggle with in life. I am told it is a very practical therapy. I think this means that i will be set challenges and stuff to do that will make me feel uncomfortable, but will help my self esteem in the long run. I then have to report how i handled these challenging situations. This is only what i think, hopefully later on today, after this second session, i will know for sure.

This is one of the emotional services i am being given. They have finally set one up for me even though i "cannot absorb and cognite what i am being told and therapy will not be affective while i am this weight". I am pleased to have it, as it is supposed to boost my self esteem, and who doesnt want to feel better about themselves? Hopefully it will be useful.

Sophie x

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