Tuesday 17 May 2011

Ana, Ed and Mia

Ana, Ed, Mia and names are what some sufferers like to call their disorder. If you are a sufferer and havnt already, you may want to try this technique. Its like when you have the disordered thoughts, they are not your own; they are your disorders. This works for some people.

However, this never worked for me. Im not sure i understand the real reasoning behind giving it another identity. I knew that the only way i was ever going to get better was to accept the responsibility for these thoughts, and confront them head on.

The anorexic woman in supersize vs. superskinny (T.V show)  the other day, gave up calling her disorder Ed. I think this is a positive step to recovery. This is just my opinion though, i know alot of people find it alot easier and more conforting to name their disorder, and maybe it is like a different person to them more than it is to me.

Sophie x

Inspirational quote Image

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