Sunday, 5 June 2011

Super Models Body Shop Poster

Ok, so i know this poster is REALLY old, but i have never really properly understood what it meant and what message its trying to get across.

I suppose what their saying is dont aspire to be a supermodel (or perfect?) because there are so few and so many normal people. 

But why should we not aspire to be the best? I want to be a computer games programmer, i want to get the best job and be the highest up, should i not apply for this? Should i not try? I dont see whats wrong with trying to look good. I identified my biggest flaw (big legs)  and tried to change it. I see this as a good thing, i wanted to help myself. And i wanted to be perfect. But obviously i took it too far, way too far. I dont think the way to stop eating disorders (and other issues) is to say dont aim for perfection because you wont get there because there are too few people that do. I didnt think i would achieve perfection but i would get closer. Surely the more i looked like my (and to a large extent society's) idea of perfection the better.

Basically, to me this advert says, there are only 8 good looking people, you are not one of them, do not try to be. Just accept who you are even if your not happy with it. Go through life un happy in yourself because you can never be any different.

Hmmm... maybe i just have this all wrong. It is the Body Shop who i would expect their adverts to work and make sense but i just cant see a good message in it now, maybe i will later.

Sophie x


  1. No, what they're trying to do is challenge the idea that supermodels represent the idea of beauty. They're saying supermodels DON'T represent perfection, because there are 3 billion women in the world who don't look like that. Yes, supermodels are skinny and pretty; no, that's not what beauty is.

  2. Oh dear, reading this post back i see that it is totally warped thinking. I understand what you mean now. I know what i meant when i wrote this but it seems like i was trying to justify my disorder a bit.. i think that is what i was doing. I am alot healthier now in my thinking then i was when i wrote that, even though it was not long ago. I actually find it quite embarassing!

    Thankyou for your comment.

    Sophie x
