Saturday 4 June 2011


So yesterday it was my review. I was really worried about it but it turned out fine.

I had put on weight and i was relieved, but i weigh quite alot now i think. I get confused though cause i work in stones and pounds and they do kg and weight for height. I think i get this weight for height thing a bit more now. Its like a proportion i think. But anyway, im now 75% . When i am 85% i get an ovary scan.. yay! Although i did drink alot of water before i went in, its was the only way i could keep my anxiety levels lower but i should have just rode them out i suppose, then i would have had a more accurate weighing. I do this before almost all weighings though so i suppose the increase is fairly accurate.

In the summer they are starting  group for people my age to talk to each other about things that are bothering us and teen issues etc. They want me to go and i want to go, i think it will be nice to talk about personal things to people who can understand a bit more than my friends can. Also hopefully i can make some more friends. They also want to give me therapy to increase confidence. This will be earlier than the summer she thought. At first i was hesitant about this, i wasnt sure that i needed it now, but she (my head worker) and my mum seemed to think it was an excellent idea. Ill just go with the flow on this one, maybe it would be cool to be more confident.

Sophie x

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