Friday 10 June 2011



My parents are literally driving me CRAZY!
They keep on and on at me to eat, but i am following my meal plan. Do they not see that it is hard enough for me to do that? Only yesterday did i get an increase to my meal plan and theyre already saying have more. They keep saying "You can have stuff thats not on your meal plan", yes, i know i can but that would be extremely uncomfortable and i am eating constantly anyway. I really have to eat at least one thing every hour, sometimes more. Considering i would rather not eat, that is definately hard enough for me to be getting on with. They just dont seem to be able to stop pushing me.

They do this particuarly annoying thing where im in the next room and they will have a loud conversation which i can hear. They are basically talking to me but in the third person. It goes something like "Sophie should have some of them", "Theyd be really good for Sophie", "That would be an easy thing for Sophie to have just a little be extra", "Sophie really should be having that" etc. Really, it actually makes me so mad. I never confront them though, i usually just well up with tears, today i loudly walked up the stairs whille they were in mid 'conversation'. I think i am dealling with it quite well, im not shouting or rowing with them, which i think is good.

They really just dont understand i dont think. Which is so fustrating!

Sophie x

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