Sunday, 31 July 2011

A Shape of my Own Review

A Shape of my Own a memoir of anorexia and recovery by Grace Bowman. I actually finished this book a long time ago and only just remembered that i hadnt written a review of it.

I really really liked this book. It is both the story of someone which is compelling, interesting and thought provoking, and a look into the theories of the causes of eating disorders. It looks at quite a large range of theories too. Moreover, there is a notes section in the back with further facts and statistics. 

I found i could identify with Bowman when i read the book, which made it a more interesting and personal read for myself. She talks about going to university even when the people around her thought she shouldnt, which is something that i am going to have to do soon. She also writes about her experience at university, which is useful in making me think what i will have to think about and do when i am there myself.

The book is also quite unique in that it has sections written in different ways; there are a few parts written as plays with stage directions and dialogue. It is dynamic and make it a more varied read.

Also, perhaps most importantly I found the book to be quite inspiring. Bowman recovers and does in in her own way. It made me feel like i really can recover when i put my mind to it and i will be ok to go to university and live independently.

I really would recommend this book. It is thought provoking and also helps gain a slightly bigger understanding on the overall issue of anorexia with the sections on theories.

Sophie x

Friday, 29 July 2011

Repercussions of a Really Bad Day

Ok, sorry for the inconsistency i will get back into the swing of things soon.

The other day, i went on a family trip, i couldnt have my milk but i brought my nourishment with me. 

I wounldnt eat anything new. They wanted me to have a KFC Krushem, i dont eat KFC ever and certainly not a creamy drink. They wanted me to have a cake that i was offered but i didnt, i didnt know the calorie content. They wanted me to have chips at 11:30, thats way to late to eat anything... Those were my excuses. 

The next day at the clinic, i had lost alot of weight and my mum was gutted but said she knew it would be the case. We both cried. When we got outside i said I loved her, she didnt say it back.

Also, the next morning, i ot a text from my dad: "Hi S, dissapointed in your attitude to food we are not your enemy You should be grateful to mum for caring and taking u to appts. eat well today eggs/protein, get strong love Dad x". Now that completely shocked me. I couldnt believe he had sent it. I had driven him to resort to texting what he wanted to say to me.

As you can tell, that day caused alot of pain and emotions for both me and my parents. I know that day alone has made them love me a little less, because i ruined that day witch was supposed to be a fun family outing.

Sophie x

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Occupational Therapy

I am now going to more appointments. Its these occupational therapy appointments. I have been to one already and i have my second one today. I dont really know what they are about, the first session was just like an introductory one i think. If not it was just like any other counselling session ive ever been to.. just me talking and spilling all my secrets and inner feelings basically!

I was given 3 form/questionnaire things to fill out too, so the lady will have a pretty clear idea about who i am and what i struggle with in life. I am told it is a very practical therapy. I think this means that i will be set challenges and stuff to do that will make me feel uncomfortable, but will help my self esteem in the long run. I then have to report how i handled these challenging situations. This is only what i think, hopefully later on today, after this second session, i will know for sure.

This is one of the emotional services i am being given. They have finally set one up for me even though i "cannot absorb and cognite what i am being told and therapy will not be affective while i am this weight". I am pleased to have it, as it is supposed to boost my self esteem, and who doesnt want to feel better about themselves? Hopefully it will be useful.

Sophie x

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Chantelle Houghton

Above is a link that my mum directed me to. It is about Big Brother contestant Chantelle Houghton. Shes 27 and she says ‘The doctor told me that I’d never be able to conceive naturally,’ . 

She says it was due to her her extreme dieting, crash dieting and battle with bulimia. She says that she blames herself and  "can never forgive myself."

Luckily she may be able to become pregnant with IVF, but there is no certainty.

She warns ‘Being stick-thin – is it worth that?’ 

This is a stripped down version of the article, its not long to start with so will only take a few minutes to read. 

Its so easy to forget that having a family is more important than control over my eating. But i will try to keep remembering it and hopefully Chantelle Houghton will remind me.

Sophie x

Chantelle Houghton

Sorry I Haven't Posted In Ages


Sorry that i havent posted for so long. I just needed a break and i couldnt keep it up. Ive had a few downs recently but hopefully that is all over now.


Sophie x