Thursday 14 April 2011


Today i met my new key worker. It was the first time i had been to the clinic in 6 WEEKS!
Its because my original key worker was just temporary while someone was on maternity leave, so they left so they could come back, but then the lady's son got ill and she had to take time off. I wasnt referred to anyone else. I think thats kindof bad to be honest. I dont think its very good service and it has been hard to keep the motivation levels up of everyone in the family. Something bad could of happened.  I could have lost loads of weight, i didnt, but i didnt put on any either and i should have in six weeks. I suppose its just easy for me to blame that, i should have tried harder.

My new key worker seems nice and very organised so that should help me.
She upped my meal plan a bit. Now i have to have a piece of cheese everyday and butter instead of marge :O I REALLY dont want to have butter :(

I feel really sick right now because ive eaten so much.

Sophie x

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