Friday, 8 April 2011


Its really hot out today, im wearing shorts and a T-shirt! (with tights though). But it was a mistake. On the way to college i noticed loads of people looking at me. I hate it. It happens quite alot, in the morning i think, im going to show that i dont care that im too skinny and i can look fine and normal, so i dress in something that shows how skinny i am. Then i always regret it.

I was in Marks and Spensers buying part of my lunch this morning. Instead of going to the chash desk i usually go to, i decided to go to a different one. The woman at the counter said "well thats not going to make you fat, you should get more" so i said that i had other stuff (which is true). It didnt end there though, she said "so how come your so thin? are you just naturallyskinny?" i didnt really know what to say so i just replied truthfully; i said "im actually in recovery at the moment" she then asked how old i was - 17. But then she told me she was ill when she was 17 and she said that "I shouldnt do what anyone tells me to do, do what you want to do in your own time" I dont know if this was good advice. But i suppose she must know, she diffinately wasnt still anorexic. I know that the only way to get better is go to a clinic where they force you or you have to want it yourself, so she was right, but i have to do what im told otherwise i just wouldnt do it.

Its not the first time someones talked to me in a shop. For example, a man once saw me looking at chocolate (i just wanted to look at the wrappers) and i put it down and he said "you ought to have that, put some weight on".

Strange how people feel they need to say something, its quite nice to think that strangers actually care, i think it says something quite good about the human race.

Sophie x

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