Monday 18 April 2011

Contacting Others

The other day, i went on this website

And i contacted a person on it by email. They said their daughter had anorexia and they wanted to talk to someone. I would usually be too shy to do this but her daughters story sounded so much like my own, i really wanted to contact her and help.

The lady replied and it made me feel really good that i was able to reach out to this person, they asked me for my story and telling someone else was really useful and i found it a huge release.

Basically, contacting this mother who had reached out, i found extremely rewarding and i felt good about myself. I definitely recommend contacting others with these problems, its so nice to discuss things with people going through a similar battle. I think we can help and support each other.

I am always up for talking to others so please dont be shy to email me. I love talking through and about problems as i think this is very important in solving them.

My email is as i have written in the about me section of this blog.

Sophie x 

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