Thursday, 14 April 2011


I was just browsing the internet when i come across aThinspo site. I spent a long time on it. 

It makes me SO angry.

I just dont get it, these girls look so pretty, but its NOT like that! I dont know whether its just because they're photo shopped or what but its NOTHING like the reality. 

How do they look so happy and content? As far as i know ( and i suppose i can only speak for myself) you are NOT happy when you have an eating disorder. I cannot remember the last time i was truely happy or could even make a good attempt to pretend to be. I would never be able to make a sexy pose for a photo and upload it to the internet because i think my body is disgusting and anorexia always makes you feel like you are worthless and revolting. Where do they get this confidence?! I think im probably just babbling. Im getting even more irritated because i just dont know how to get into words how angry i am about these pictures. They look so perfect but i dont look like that! Yet im just as skinny if not skinnier, how do they pull off the skinny look?! Why do i look so horrible yet they look so good?

2 of the effects of an eating disorder are loss of hair on the head and extra hair on the body. These girls have beautiful thick hair - mine is so thin and falls out all the time. I dont see any body hair on these girls either. 

They do not show the true reality and pain an eating disorder brings. I dont know how these pictures were taken. I just cant work it out.

Sorry for babbling.

Sophie x

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