Sunday 3 April 2011

What Look?

I wanted this blog to be empowering, and im sorry but i really have to get these feelings out.

My Dad, i know he loves me very much, hes trying to help me. Hes trying to shock me into changing my ways. But the things he says are so hurtful.

He talks about the opposite sex and how they find me un attractive and why dont i want them to find me attractive?
He said i should not be choosy and i should be thankful and accept anyone i can get.
He says that he wondered where my good looks went and that now he knows, it was me destroying myself with anorexia.
He says why do i want to have the "Auschwitz" look ? 
He says im "the mental of the family"
He says im a weak waif of a being.
He says why do i aspire to be the "clothes hangers" look of the run way.

Its so hard to hear these things. I'm sorry i wrote this down. I really cant live like this.

Sophie x 

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