Monday 25 April 2011

Strangers Type 2

In a previous post, i wrote about how strangers were nice, and seemed to care and feel the need to encourage. Strangers also react i the opposite way though, and little kids seem to be the least discrete about their disgust for the way i look.

The day before yesterday i as in the supermarket getting something out of the freezer, i heard a little girls voice say 'look how skinny that girl is' in a loud but whispered voice. I turn out of the freezer and begin to walk away, i look behind to see who said it and there are 2 girls still staring at me walk away, and they dont look away even now.

Ive had many instances where ive been out and noticed people staring or even sneering. It really does dent my confidence and self esteem. I suppose it is also a motivation. Its just that i find it so hurtful. I cant and never have been one of those people who dont care what others think.

Sophie x

Lll Purple images

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